Sunday, August 24, 2008

Photograph of relief work and awarness Program

Future plan of the Organization:

Along with continuation of the existing activities towards sustainability and initiating need based activities / programs for comprehensive development of less fortunate and powerless people. Emphasis will be given on the following programs in future.
 Environmental Protection and Social afforestation.
 Destitute women and vulnerable child development.
 Primary healthcare and Reproductive health.
 Housing program for homeless.
 Fishery, popularity and livestock development program.
 Regenerating agriculture.

Donors & Partners of the Organization:

Subscription of organizational members, personal contribution of organizational members, rich & businessman of the locally, Social Welfare Development of Government, NGO Forum and other minded national NGOs.

On going activities of the Organization:

• Poor People’s Organization (Group Formation)
• Micro Credit (Income Generating Activities-IGA)
• Savings Fund Mobilization.
• Non-formal Education.
• Trainings.
• Safe drinking water and sanitation.
• Agriculture, Livestock and fisheries.
• Disable Development.
• Community outreach program through workshop, seminar and rally.
• Relief and Rehabilitation.

Networking and Associates:

VJNUS is establishing linkage and relation with some forums and Organizations relations with some forums and Organizations in order to mutual benefits. Sharing views, knowledge and latest information. VJNUS got the membership/partnership with the following Organization.

CCHRB- Coordinating Council for Human Rights in Bangladesh (applied)
FNB- Federation of NGOs in Bangladesh
CDF- Credit and Development Forum.

Financial Management of the Organization:

 As per by law of the organization, funds received from any sources are deposited in the scheduled Bank/ Banks under the Central Account of the Organization and it is operated jointly by the president, secretary and Treasure.
 The project funds to be managed under the following ways: A Project Account to be opened with the name of the project and Organization, which is operated by the joint Signature of the Executive Director, Coordinator and the Accountant.
 All the accounting matters are dealt according the financial policy and accounts manual of the organization and kept all accounts & related documents as per the principal of accounting and audit standard.
 The accounts are made very much transparent through different processes, Providing formats and frequent checking. External audit is conducted at the end of each year involving recognized Audit Firm.

Execution and Management of the Organization:

Village Juba Nari Unnayan Sangstha (VJNUS) has members of general body which is the supreme authority for policy making of the organization. An executive committee of members is elected annual out of general body for implementing program. The General Secretary is the Chief Executive and responsible to the executive committee for materializing all programs of the organization with the help of the modest staff. There is an advisory council of VJNUS to advice the executive body time to time.

Operational Area of the Organization:

Village Juba Nari Unnayan Sangstha (VJNUS) has been implementing its integrated development programs is shown in the following:

01. Madaripur District
1. Amgram
2. Rajoir
3. Khalia
4. Kadambari
5. Hossainpur
Total no of Village: 62
02. Gopalgonj District
1. Satpar
2. Jalirpar
3. Gohala
4. Sahapur
5. Kalabari
Total no of Village: 48
Grand Total No of Village 110

Nature of beneficiaries of the organization:

Distressed, poor, hardcore poor and powerless people, especially women of lower income group families viz landless, laborers, marginal farmers, destitute, widow and economically poor, slum and Vulnerable children are the direct beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are organized into partner group for their Socio-economic development through empowerment and local resources mobilization especially manpower, water & soil.

Objectives of the Organization:

 To promoting development awareness among the poorer community by providing needful and objective information and technology.
 To improve the condition and Social Status of the disadvantaged groups in particularly women and children through launching effective Socio-economic development program.
 To Foster unity amity among the deprived and disadvantage members of the community by mobilizing them into community based non-formed self government groups (Sanities)
 To facilities for participation of the target group members in development and potential income generating activities (IGA) suiting to their skills and resource endowments.
 To impart human and skill development training to the group members for efficiency building, behavioral change and group activities for self-supporting in development process.
 To create employment generation / job opportunities in the field of agricultures, fisheries, livestock and handicrafts etc for raising their income.
 To impart non-formal education and pre-schooling services to the children, adolescent and adult for growth and ensuring participation in development.
 To undertake homestead, roadsides, railway sides, river sides, embankment and block afforestation program in the area of environment protection and ecological imbalance.
 To prove package of soft and hardware support to the less fortunate people about health, water-aid and sanitation.
 To provided informal and legal literacy to the community people specially women Section of the Society.
 To popularize the mediation system (Salish) in the Society for alternative resolution of disputes and conflict.
 To organize and arrange meetings, seminars, trainings, conference, workshops, rally, publicity and publication for spreading out the conception of human rights, protect and prevention of HIV/STD/AIDS, arsenic mitigation and combat human tracking.
 To conduct survey, research, study on different social aspects / Problems etc.
 To prove voter education and election monitoring for promoting Democracy and good Governce.
 Inter religious movements for promoting social harmony.
 Protecting & promoting the minority and indigenous rights.
 To develop village library cum reading center for enhancement of knowledge and retention of cultural haritage.
 Relief and rehabilitation support during the natural calamities and emergencies.
 To develop linkage with relevant Government and non-Government and non-Government (national & international) development agencies for wider support and co-operation.

Mission of the Organization:

 To undertake and implement need-based program to meet-up the basic needs of the disadvantaged people through ensuring their active participation over its working areas.
 VJNUS is committed to mobilize the local resources and ensure its effective utilization through motivation and consciousness raising.
 To achieve the goal, VJNUS Priorities the people and their participation in the development process. It believes that people can bring about changes in their own condition through individual and collective efforts and changes must be made both in attituates brief and perceptions for sustainability.
 VJNUS development mission is based on the conviction that paramount need of the people is not relief but release the to develop them by releasing their potential powers for personal, economic, human rights, Social and Civic grouth.

Vision of the Organization:

Socio-Economic emancipation and empowerment of distressed and disadvantaged people especially, women, Children and their families through their spontaneous participation for sustainability and able to enjoy their basic rights by self actualization.

Goal of the Organization:

The goal of the Organization is to build awareness among the poor people living under the boarder line of poverty of the Socio-economic condition through group approach system for improving their socio-economic position and to establish a congenial environment of the Society.

Legal Status of Organization

Village Juba Nari Unnayan Sangstha (VJNUS) obtained its registration from the Directorate of Social Service, Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The registration No. is Mada-252/2001, Dated- 30.12.2001.

Background of the Organization:

Village Juba Nari Unnayan Sangstha (VJNUS) is a non-government, non political and non-profitable voluntary development Organization. It was established with the spontaneous initiative of a group of progressive like-minded, committed and experienced development workers in 1999. Their vision was to establish fundamental human rights, improve the socio-economic condition of underprivileged people, especially the disadvantage women and children. VJNUS is also committed to establish a Society free from injustice and poverty.

VJNUS at a Glance

(a)Head Office: Kadambari, Rajoir, Madaripur, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01715-399687, 01716-165292
Email Address:
(b) Mailing address: Village & Post: Kadambari
P.s: Rajoir, Dist: Madaripur, Bangladesh.
Contact parson: Sattya Ranjan Gain
Executive Director.
Year of Establishment: 06-07-1999
Place of Establishment: Kadambari, Rajoir, Madaripur, Bangladesh.
Founder of Organization: Sattya Ranjan Gain
Head of the Organization: Sattya Ranjan Gain.
Chairman of Organization: Dulal Chandra Mandal

Address of Village Juba Nari Unnayan Sangstha (VJNUS)

Village Juba-Nari Unnayan Sangstha(VJNUS)
Village: Kadambari, Post: Kadambari, Thana: Rajoir, Madaripur, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01715-399687, 01716-165291
Email Address: