Sunday, August 24, 2008

Objectives of the Organization:

 To promoting development awareness among the poorer community by providing needful and objective information and technology.
 To improve the condition and Social Status of the disadvantaged groups in particularly women and children through launching effective Socio-economic development program.
 To Foster unity amity among the deprived and disadvantage members of the community by mobilizing them into community based non-formed self government groups (Sanities)
 To facilities for participation of the target group members in development and potential income generating activities (IGA) suiting to their skills and resource endowments.
 To impart human and skill development training to the group members for efficiency building, behavioral change and group activities for self-supporting in development process.
 To create employment generation / job opportunities in the field of agricultures, fisheries, livestock and handicrafts etc for raising their income.
 To impart non-formal education and pre-schooling services to the children, adolescent and adult for growth and ensuring participation in development.
 To undertake homestead, roadsides, railway sides, river sides, embankment and block afforestation program in the area of environment protection and ecological imbalance.
 To prove package of soft and hardware support to the less fortunate people about health, water-aid and sanitation.
 To provided informal and legal literacy to the community people specially women Section of the Society.
 To popularize the mediation system (Salish) in the Society for alternative resolution of disputes and conflict.
 To organize and arrange meetings, seminars, trainings, conference, workshops, rally, publicity and publication for spreading out the conception of human rights, protect and prevention of HIV/STD/AIDS, arsenic mitigation and combat human tracking.
 To conduct survey, research, study on different social aspects / Problems etc.
 To prove voter education and election monitoring for promoting Democracy and good Governce.
 Inter religious movements for promoting social harmony.
 Protecting & promoting the minority and indigenous rights.
 To develop village library cum reading center for enhancement of knowledge and retention of cultural haritage.
 Relief and rehabilitation support during the natural calamities and emergencies.
 To develop linkage with relevant Government and non-Government and non-Government (national & international) development agencies for wider support and co-operation.

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